Expand LearnDash with Our Plugin Library
Whether you’re a seasoned online instructor or just getting started, our plugins are the perfect way to enhance your courses and boost student engagement. (Explore our H5P Addons)
Certificate Tracker PRO for LearnDash
With this plugin you can generate unique Certificate ID’s and certificate Expiry Dates for your certificates. This can later be verified with our addon plugin called…
Certificate Verifier for LearnDash
Need to verify if a user has earned a valid certificate? This plugin will allow anyone to verify the authenticity of a certificates on your siteā¦.
Countdown Timer for LearnDash
The Countdown Timer for LearnDash is designed to display the remaining time for learners to complete their LearnDash courses.
H5P for LearnDash
With this powerful tool, you can add interactive content to your lessons, topics, and quiz questions, giving learners a more immersive and personalised learning experience. Whether…
Portfolio of Evidence for LearnDash
This plugin offers a convenient and efficient solution for compiling and managing student work, generating comprehensive transcripts, and safeguarding valuable course data.
Quiz Embed for LearnDash
Now LearnDash site builders can easily embed quizzes directly into lessons or topics without extraneous mouse clicks and without confusion.
Quiz Notifications for LearnDash
Quiz Notifications for Learndash enables you to email a user’s Quiz Questions and Answers using LearnDash Notifications and more…
User Name Lock for LearnDash
Protect authentication of LearnDash Certificates once a quiz or course certificate has been issued.
Save with Bundels
Bronze Bundle
The “Silver Bundle” includes 3 plugins. This is the perfect combination for Certifications. Certificate Tracker Pro, Certificate Verifier and User Name Lock.
Silver Bundle
The “Bronze Bundle” includes 2 plugins. This is the perfect combination for LearnDash Quizzes and includes Quiz Embed and Quiz Notifications for LearnDash.
Gold Bundle
This bundle includes 3 plugins. Portfolio of Evidence, Quiz Embed, Quiz Notifications.
Diamond Bundle
The “Gold Bundle” includes 8 plugins. Certificate Tracker Pro, Certificate Verifier, Portfolio of Evidence, Quiz Embed, Quiz Notifications, H5P, Countdown Timer, User Name Lock.