Alter the Behaviour of Some H5P Interactions
The Following addons are FREE, You must be logged in and requires an active license to download.
Advanced Blanks, All Correct
The main purpose of the plugin is to require all answers to be correct in order to allow course progression in LearnDash. It ensures that users…
Advanced Blanks, No Empty Fields
The main purpose of this plugin is to enhance the functionality of the “AdvancedBlanks” content type provided by the H5P plugin. AdvancedBlanks allows users to fill…
Blanks, All correct
The purpose of this plugin is to ensure that all answers in H5P content are correct before allowing course progression in LearnDash.
Course Presentation, All Correct
The plugin’s main purpose is to ensure that all interactions within the CoursePresentation module of LearnDash have correct answers before allowing course progression. It works alongside…
Interactive Book, Various Modes
The main purpose of this plugin is to add three different evaluation modes for InteractiveBook content in LearnDash. InteractiveBook is a specific type of learning content…
Interactive Video, No Submit Screen
If InteractiveVideo does not include the Submit screen when the video reaches the end it will trigger xAPI event to submit results. In other words the…