H5P for LearnDash Addon

Advanced Blanks, No Empty Fields

The main purpose of this plugin is to enhance the functionality of the “AdvancedBlanks” content type provided by the H5P plugin. AdvancedBlanks allows users to fill in the blanks in interactive content. This plugin ensures that users cannot progress through a course if they leave any blank fields empty. In other words, all fields must be filled in for the user’s response to be considered valid and allow course progression.

(Requires a H5P for LearnDash License, must be LoggedIn to Download)


The plugin achieves this by adding a filter to the H5P content data. When a user submits a response with the AdvancedBlanks content, the plugin checks if the ‘autoCheck’ setting is enabled for that content. If it is enabled and there are empty fields in the user’s response, the plugin prevents the response from being saved, thereby requiring the user to fill in all fields before proceeding.

Additionally, the plugin includes some administrative functionality. It displays warning notices in the WordPress admin area if the required “H5P for LearnDash” plugin is not installed and activated. It also deactivates itself if the required plugin is not active, preventing any conflicts or errors.

Overall, this plugin enhances the AdvancedBlanks content type provided by the H5P for LearnDash plugin by ensuring that users must complete all fields before progressing through a course.

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