H5P for LearnDash Addon

Interactive Book, Various Modes

The main purpose of this plugin is to add three different evaluation modes for InteractiveBook content in LearnDash. InteractiveBook is a specific type of learning content that can be created using the H5P authoring tool. The evaluation modes provide different criteria for determining whether a user has successfully completed or passed an InteractiveBook.

(Requires a H5P for LearnDash License, must be LoggedIn to Download)


The three evaluation modes are as follows:

  1. All pages/chapters have to be completed. None of tasks/interactions need to be completed. In this mode, the user must complete all chapters of the InteractiveBook.
    The completion of individual tasks or interactions is not required.
    For this mode to take effect ‘Enable automatic progress’ needs to be disabled in ‘Behavioural settings’.
    When disabled, user will find at the bottom of every page a checkbox labeled ‘I have finished this page’, user must check ON this input for the page/chapter to be considered as completed.
  2. All tasks/interactivities have to be completed. In this mode, the completion of all tasks and interactions is required, regardless of whether they were passed or failed.
  3. All tasks/interactivities have to pass (default mode). In this mode, all tasks/interactions within the InteractiveBook must be completed successfully for the user to pass.

Overall, this plugin provides additional evaluation modes for InteractiveBook content in LearnDash, allowing educators and course creators to define different criteria for user success and completion based on their specific requirements.

Configuring the plugin evaluation mode.

The evaluation mode is configured by declaring the ELC_H5PLD_IBOOK_EVAL_MODE constant.
Preferred way is to insert following line in wp-config.php:

define( 'ELC_H5PLD_IBOOK_EVAL_MODE', value );

Where the value has to be replaced with: 1 or 2 or 3. The modes are explained above.

Alternatively the plugin file can be edited.
Search for the following line:

define( 'ELC_H5PLD_IBOOK_EVAL_MODE', 3 );

and replace the 3 with 1 or 2 as desired.

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