Add Interactivity and Engagement to Your Courses

Enhance Your LearnDash Content with H5P

Want to make your LearnDash courses more engaging and interactive? H5P makes it easy! With H5P, anyone can create rich HTML5 content to bring lessons to life through interactive elements that captivate your learners. This powerful tool lets you seamlessly add interactive content to lessons, topics, and quiz questions, delivering a more immersive and personalized learning experience. Whether you’re a teacher, trainer, or course creator, the H5P plugin is essential for enhancing the effectiveness of your LearnDash courses.

(1 Site, Yearly License, Requires LearnDash 3.0 and above)


eLearning courses are a flexible and convenient way to build new skills — but what if they could be even more engaging? That’s where the H5P plugin for LearnDash comes in. H5P lets you easily add interactive content to your courses, making learning more dynamic, enjoyable, and effective for your learners.

With H5P, you can also create interactive quiz questions to track progress and assess learning outcomes. If you’re looking to boost the appeal and impact of your eLearning courses, H5P is the perfect tool to make it happen.

Why the H5P for LearnDash plugin?

The H5P for LearnDash plugin makes adding interactive content to your courses a breeze — no separate Learning Record Store (LRS) needed! It integrates seamlessly with LearnDash, so if your site is already running LearnDash, you can easily drop H5P interactions right into your course content.

Setup is simple: just install the plugin, and you’re ready to start creating engaging, interactive elements. Plus, you can ensure learners stay fully involved by disabling the ‘Mark Complete’ and ‘Start Quiz’ buttons until they’ve finished all H5P interactions.

Whether you want to create quick activities or more complex interactions, the H5P for LearnDash plugin gives you the flexibility and control to build a truly immersive and effective learning experience.

Which H5P Content can be used?

H5P content is a fantastic way to make your LearnDash courses more interactive and engaging for learners. This free and open-source tool lets you create a variety of multimedia content, including interactive videos, quizzes, and presentations.

While you can add any type of H5P content to a LearnDash course, not all types can control course progression or be used in quiz questions. For these features to work, the H5P interaction needs xAPI support and must trigger a ‘completion event’ with a score statement.

The following approved H5P content types meet these requirements, allowing you to use them for controlling course progression and quiz questions effectively.

H5P content types tested with “H5P for LearnDash” plugin (whitelist)

Date Last checked: 23-01-2025
Library nameVersionSupportedNotes
Advanced fill the blanks1.0.1YES
Advent Calendar (beta)0.3.4NO
AR Scavenger (beta)1.4.1NO
Arithmetic Quiz1.1.25YES
Audio Recorder1.0.32NO
Branching Scenario1.8.10YES
Cornell Notes0.3.2NO
Course Presentation1.26.3YES
Dialog Cards1.9.14NO
Documentation Tool1.8.24YES
Drag and Drop1.14.22YES
Drag the Words1.10.17YES
Fill in the Blanks1.14.13YES
Find Multiple Hotspots1.0.1YES
Find the Hotspot1.8.22YES
Find The Words1.4.4YES
Game Map1.3.5YES
Guess the Answer1.5.2NO
Iframe Embedder1.0.29NO
Multimedia Choice0.3.27YES
Image Hotspots1.10.17NO
Image Juxtaposition1.5.4NO
Image Pair1.4.0YES
Image Sequencing1.1.0YES
Image Slider1.1.7NO
Impressive Presentation1.0.3NO
Information Wall0.4.9NO
Interactive Book1.11.3YESDoes not support ‘save content state’ see:
Interactive Video1.27.9YESMust have at-least one interaction and ‘Submit Screen’ (star).
KewAr Code1.2.2NO
Mark the Words1.11.9YES
Memory Game1.3.28YES
Multiple Choice1.16.14YES
Personality Quiz1.0.8NO
Question Set1.20.26YES
Single Choice Set1.11.44YES
Sort the Paragraphs0.11.9YES
Speak the Words1.5.6YES
Speak the Words Set1.3.2YES
Structure Strip1.0.1NO
True/False Question1.8.11YES
Virtual Tour (360)0.5.8NO
Otacle's LabFollowing content types are available at:
Combination Lock1.0.5YES
Completion Confirmation1.1.0YES
Content Calendar1.0.3NO
Content Compiler1.1.0NO
Discrete Option Multiple Choice1.0.1YES
Image Choice Rounds1.0.0YES
Image Zoom1.0.0NO
Jigsaw Puzzle0.4.9YES
Phrase Randomizer1.0.14YES
Pick the symbols0.1.13YES
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