H5P for LearnDash Addon

Advanced Blanks, All Correct

The main purpose of the plugin is to require all answers to be correct in order to allow course progression in LearnDash. It ensures that users cannot progress to the next lesson or module unless they provide the correct answers in the AdvancedBlanks H5P content.

(Requires a H5P for LearnDash License, must be LoggedIn to Download)


This plugin is designed to enhance the functionality of the LearnDash plugin in combination with the H5P for LearnDash plugin.

Here’s an overview of the plugin’s functionality:

  1. Plugin Description: Require all answers to be correct to allow Course Progression. It enforces that all answers in AdvancedBlanks H5P content must be correct for course progression.
  2. The plugin requires the H5P for LearnDash plugin to be installed and active. If this requirement is not met, a warning notice is displayed.
  3. Admin Notices: If the H5P for LearnDash plugin is not active, a warning notice is displayed in the WordPress admin area.
  4. Response Filtering:
    • The plugin modifies the response data for AdvancedBlanks H5P content.
    • It checks if the ‘enableRetry’ option is enabled for the H5P content.
    • If enabled, it checks if all answers provided by the user are not empty.
    • If all answers are not empty, it checks the score of the response.
    • If the score is 1 (indicating all answers are correct), it allows course progression.
    • Otherwise, course progression is not allowed.

In summary, this plugin ensures that users must provide correct answers in AdvancedBlanks H5P content in order to progress through LearnDash courses. It adds a requirement for all answers to be correct and displays a warning if the necessary H5P for LearnDash plugin is not active.

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